2019 – 2020 Enrollment Information

  • We are a year round gymnastics school with no long-term commitments. If you un-enroll (in person only) by the 10th of the preceding month to avoid getting charged for the next month.


  1. Online (Quickest)
  2. Park Avenue Gymnastics App (Quickest) FREE to download at the Apple App Store or Google Play
  3. In person
  4. By phone


  • A major credit or debit card is REQUIRED to register for classes.
  • August 14th, 2019 – June 7th, 2020. We will also have two months of summer session that are a more limited schedule in order to accommodate our summer camp. Summer Session A & B dates can be found below.
  • Summer A Session: June 8th – July 3rd, 2020
  • Summer B Session: July 6th – August 1st, 2020


Upon signing this document and entering your credit card information, I understand that the payment amount listed above (if greater than $0) will be processed immediately with the payment method/information I entered. I also authorize Park Avenue Gymnastics to initiate electronic payments for the balances due on my Park Avenue Gymnastics account each month. Any time a payment is processed, I will receive an e-mail notification. I understand that the payment amounts may vary as classes are added, dropped, or as my child moves up a level.  My monthly tuition may increase or decrease with these changes.

I acknowledge that this authorization will remain in effect until I fill out an UN-Enroll Form in  person. At that time my credit card authorization will be terminated. If for whatever reason, payments cannot be processed with the above payment information and my account balance remains overdue, I understand that my child’s enrollment in classes will be cancelled.


A major credit or debit card is REQUIRED to register for classes; however you may opt out of direct debit, by simply paying your tuition using an alternate method of payment at least 24 hours in advance of the 15th and your card on file will not be charged.

You have the option to make payment as follows: 1. Cash 2. Personal Check. Make checks payable to Park Avenue Gymnastics and please note your child’s name, class, day/time in the memo. 3. VISA / MASTERCARD / DISCOVER /AMERICAN   EXPRESS 4. Online on our website –     www.parkavenuegymnastics.com


Monthly tuition reminders will NOT be sent. We will notify you by email if we are unable to process your tuition or if it has not been received.


  • A 10% sibling discount will be given to the 2nd, 3rd, (4th etc.) students’ tuition. Discount will be applied to the lowest class fee.
  • A 50% Discount will be added to your 2nd Day of Class Tuition
  • A 75% Discount will be added to your 3rd, 4th, 5th Day of Class Tuition


Credits must be used within one year from date given or they will expire. Credits can not be transferred to another family.          


To un-enroll from a class, please fill out an Un-Enroll form in person. Please do so by the 10th of the month to avoid being charged  for the following month of gymnastics classes.

Once cards have been charged on the 15th of the month, no refunds will be given! You may receive an account credit valid for one year from the date given. ONLY ACCOUNT CREDITS that  are good for one year from the date given. NO EXCEPTION, THIS MUST BE IN PERSON.