Session D: Rising Stars @ Cooper City Gym

Rising Stars

Rising Stars is a “Pre-Team”, developmental program designed for gymnasts age 4 – 7. Athletes in this program are picked out of our recreational classes for their current abilities, strength, flexibility and coachability. In the class gymnasts work on their strength, flexibility, body awareness, spacial awareness, form and basic skill work. The purpose of this class is to get young athletes ready for the demands of competitive gymnastics. Athletes are expected to be in the Rising Stars program for a least one year before moving to the Competitive, Level 1 Team.

Session D: February 8th – April 9th, 2016 (We will have NO CLASSES during BCPS Spring Break, March 21st – March 26th, 2016).

*There Priority Online Registration for currently enrolled students beginning Sunday, January 24th – Saturday, January 30th (at noon). Open Registration begins Saturday, January 30th (at 12:01pm).

Spring Break Camp will be March 18th and March 21st-26th. You may register for Daily or Weekly Camp.

Keep your eyes OPEN for 2016 SUMMER CAMP INFORMATION!!!

*All Teachers are subject to Change