Weston Gym: 2017-2018 School Year Schedule

Cooper City Gym: 2016-2017 School Year Schedule

Classes begin August 22nd, 2016 and run through June 11th, 2017

New for 2016-2017 School Year: Tuition will be charged monthly rather than by the session. Click her to view our Enrollment Information. Just think, no more figuring out WHEN tuition is due!

Our tuition is based on all 12 months having an average of 4 weeks per month. This allows us to close early on Halloween, have a Thanksgiving Break in November, 2 weeks of Holiday Break in December, Spring Break in April, as well as, a couple closure due to gymnastics competitions hosted at our gym.

We do not charge more for ‘long’ months nor less for ‘short’ months. Over the year, all 12 months average to 4 weeks.

Click to view 2016-2017 Gym Closure Calendar

Click to view Monthly Tuition Charge Dates.


*All Teachers are subject to Change

Parent & Tot Classes

12-36 Months

Pre-School Classes

Pre-School 2 1/2 (Approval Note from M&T Teacher is REQUIRED)

Pre-School Beginner

Pre-School Intermediate

Girls Instructional  Gymnastics

Girls Beginner

COED Tumbling & Trampoline  Classes

Beginner & Intermediate T&T

COED Ninja Classes

Ninja Kidz (5-12 Years Old)

Parkour Classes (Ages 13 & Up)

Parkour Open Gym Times